Lead Singer Syndrome

Lead Singer Syndrome (with Shane Told) is a podcast where 15 year touring veteran Shane Told (of Silverstein) interviews other lead singers to talk about what it's really like to front a professional, touring, Rock 'n Roll band.  

Episode 59: Sierra Kay (Neaux, Versa Emerge)

Where has Sierra Kay been? After a successful, albeit short career with Pop-Punkers Versa Emerge, Sierra has now started the very cool Brooklyn based indie/post-punk/shoegaze act Neaux with members of hardcore bands Trash Talk and Have Heart. She discusses that, what happened with Versa Emerge, her upcoming solo project - Bad Daughter, and what it was like to receive a gold record for her performance on an A Day To Remember track.

Check out the ALL ACCESS CLUB for as little as $6 a month you get access to bonus episodes, Q+A's with Shane, merchandise, and interaction on a private Facebook page with other fans and Shane himself!  check out:  http://patreon.com/allaccess